Our Guild

The members of our Guild are from many backgrounds but are all dedicated to learning and continuing the ancient art of Church Bell Ringing. Whilst our tower has only eight bells our membership numbers twelve which included five ladies. Many of our ringers only began ringing in 2009 and have made remarkable progress in handling our bells.

We have two members who are trainers registered with the Association of Ringing Tutors “ART” for short. This Association is involved in regulating the training of new bell ringers so that a standard method of teaching is established and learners can be confident that their training is carried out both safely and correctly. This enables a new ringer to make good progress in their new hobby.

Our Church is within a short distance from Christ Church North Shields which is older that St Paul’s and has ten bells. Our members work with those of Christ Church and St Nicholas (Cramlington) both with practice nights as well as with other events such as weddings and festi